Your 'AIM' Pathway to Recovery
At The Physio, we 'AIM' to bring you back from injury using a specialised approach to whole body movement.
Your journey begins through assessment, that allows our team to better understand your current physical condition and the best path forward. From here we work with you closely on a personalised active recovery plan - that will address your injury concern & get your on the road to movement maintenance.
This is where we transfer you to our clinical studio, working with our team to build strength & flexibility in a safe and supported environment.
You've done it! Our team are confident that you can maintain your fitness with regular fitness classes, ongoing support, and a sustained approach to wellness.
Explore Your Pathway
Your injury has just happened.
Time to book your consult with your Physio or Doctor.
Your injury is assessed by your therapist and treatment begins.
'AIM' Treatment Plan
A targeted treatment plan is put in place to help you 'AIM' for your recovery and achieve your goals.
Life doesn't stand still... neither do we! Our ongoing review will keep you fiercely focussed on your goals and injury management.
Congratulations you've made it! Let's get you focussed on returning to your favourites activities, sports, and hobbies.
For those who want to stay in control of their injury (s), feel better and prevent further injury - we have options available to you to continue working with our skilled team.
Let's get you on our specialised pathway to a life full of movement.